About the Event
About The Performances
Flash Theatre Festival
1st - 6th April 2019
2nd April - 18.30pm
3rd April - 20.00pm
5th April - 17.00pm
Venue: Looking Glass Theatre
Shemelia Lewis
1st April - 19.45pm 2nd April - 14.00pm 5th April - 18.30pmVenue: Castle Hill
Ellipsis Ensemble
1st April - 16.00pm 4rd April - 18.30pm 6th April - 21.00pmVenue: Castle Hill
Still Night Theatre Company
4th April - 17.00pm 5th April - 14.00pm 6th April - 13.30pmVenue: Looking Glass Theatre
Cosmos’ Theatre Company
3rd April - 18.30pm
4th April - 12.30pm
6th April - 15.00pm
Venue: Castle Hill
Grapevine Theatre Company
2nd April - 17.00pm 4th April -15.30pm 6th April - 18.00pm Venue: Castle Hill
Ripple Ensemble
2nd April - 20.00pm
3rd April - 12.30pm
5th April - 15.30pm
Ruminate Theatre Company
1st April - 13.30pm 3rd April - 15.30pm 5th April - 21.00pmVenue: Castle Hill
Pop Theatre
3rd April - 17.00pm
4th April - 14.00pm
6th April - 19.30pm
Face to Face Theatre Company
4th April - 21.00pm 5th April - 12.30pm 6th April - 12.00pm Venue: Castle Hill
WorkBench Theatre Company
2nd April - 15.30pm 3rd April - 14.00pm 6th April - 16.30pm Venue: Looking Glass Theatre
Framed Ensemble
3rd April - 19.00pm4th April - 19.00pm7th April - 14.00pmVenue: Deco Theatre
Not Aloud Ensemble